Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthdays, Bubbles, & Boogy...


25 Years ago today, March 1st, My little sister Amanda was born into the world! Though our brother and I tried to convince her growing up that she was adopted... Well actually, found in a dumpster on the backstreets of Clermont... We sure are thankful that she is our sister. We celebrated her big two-five at Longhorn with just about the whole family. Aunt Bubbles as her neices and nephew call her was definitely the princess of the show tonight as she was smothered in kisses from them all the whole night. They even ended the night with a little dance show for the others dining with us. Can you tell who has the best moves???? Thank you Bubbles for bringing such joy into our lives. We love you very much and wish you the happiest year of your life thus far!




1 comment:

Brandi said...

I would never buy the adoption story anyway, she looks too much like you and your mom :)