Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Emma's First Full Night Of Sleep

This week everyone has been telling us that we needed to update Emma's blog, but the truth is there has not been much going on. Well, that was true until last night. At 10:00 last night Kim and I decided to try and get to bed a little early so we decided that since Aunt Bubbles (Amanda) was holding Emma we would let her put her to bed. I guess once Kim and I went to sleep we must have been out for the count because we did not wake up until Kim's alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM this morning. I woke up and the first thing I said to her was, why did you not wake me up to help you with her in the middle of the night? She told me that Emma slept the entire night. I said you have got to be kidding me. She is only two months old. So I don't know what the deal was, but little Emma Grace decided it was time for her to sleep 9 hours straight. I praise God every day for such an amazing child. She is the best. Oh yeah! Aunt Bubbles, you might be putting her to bed more often. Thanks!

Below are a few pictures of Emma Grace at eight weeks old!


MaryBeth said...

Hooray for you guys!! Well rested parents are happy parents. I love the new pictures... she's so cute.

Brandi said...

I'm jealous, my child still won't do that! Of course she does sleep better for everyone else though. Enjoy it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I need to know the secret. Do you think Aunt Bubbles will come to my house? I am guessing you heard about our little miracle thru the grapevine or MB's blog. Our babies are close in age! Enjoy the blog! Mine is the 2 fun sons link on MB's page. Seriously though, how did you do the sleep all night thing?

auntbubbles said...

I will put little Emma Grace to bed's my favorite thing in the whole wide world! I love you!!!