Monday, December 31, 2007

Emma's Photo Shoot

On her one week birthday, Dusty and I took Emma to have her first photo shoot. Looking at the pictures now, I can't believe how much she's grown. We took her right at feeding time, which I thought would be a disaster, but she she did pretty well in spite of her hunger. She didn't,however, enjoy being naked and cold and she sure let us know it by pottying all over the both of us. We love how her pictures turned out, thanks to our favorite photographer...Jim Haynes of JHPhotography. For all you new mommy's and daddy's, you can check him out at

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

I love these photos! Emma is adorable, and you and Dusty look like wonderfully proud new parents who've got it all together. Jim is great, isn't he?!?