There'll be no pictures to prove it, but I actually got away with the girls this weekend for a much needed R&R break! The girls from my Thursday night bible study took a trip to Destin for the weekend. We enjoyed having the luxury of doing absolutely nothing on absolutely no schedule and laughing 'til our bellies hurt the entire time. Our trip down on Friday was smooth with a minor hiccup once we arrived that ended up being the highlight of the trip. (inside joke-coocoo for coccoa puffs). I'm still not positive if I went to bed at 2am or 3am but who cares by that time anyway, right??? It was no big deal since I could sleep in late the next morning, which ended up being a joke when I woke up around 7:30. There went that plan!!! Saturday was fun, we walked the beach to eat lunch at a great seafood place down the street, crashed at the house for the rest of the afternoon, and enjoyed an evening of hilarious games to top it off. We discovered that Amanda should go to Nashville for her humming abilities and I might possibly be this year's Oscar winner for Best Actress in a Guesstures or Cranium game!!! Anna you would be so proud!!!Bedtime was much earlier Saturday night and I actually slept until 8:30 on Sunday morning...Now that's late since Emma likes to get up at 6:30 every single day. We lounged for the morning, ate brunch at a nice little restaurant and headed back home to find we had to detour to bypass bumper to bumper traffic for miles on 85! Thanks to our friend Garmin we can proudly say the detour was problem free! I arrived home to hear of all of the wonderful cute things that Emma had been doing....
1. When her aunt bee told her she would spank her on the count of 3 if she didn't stop touching her laptop. Bee counted to one and Emma decided to finish her off with 2 and 3!!! So funny. Like Aunt Bee would spank her any how???
2. She is now fascinated with "getting" people. She reaches out as if to scare you and when you jump and scream she laughs so hard her belly hurts. She sounds like an adult when she does it! Hilarious. Then she started saying "I get Papa".
I consider that a sentence!
I hate that I missed some of her cute moments but thrilled to return as a sane mommy after a much needed girls weekend. Thanks Dusty for taking such great care of our little girl. I love you so much.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cute stuff happens when Mommy is away...
Monday, February 16, 2009
A day with the cousins...
Ella's Friend, Emma Grace, & Ella chilling at Brody's Birthday party!
Emma hogging all of the candy from the pinata.
Emma organizing all of the candy from the pinata.
This just says it all!
Emma listening to mommy tell her "those are not your presents".
Emma ticked off because "those were not her presents".
Mimi keeping Emma out of Brody's presents.
Rylee and Emma wearing KayKay's valentine shirts at church! Aren't they cute?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood... Quite a fitting song considering the Rogers family loved the gorgeous weekend God gave us in the middle of February! Just as the winter blues had consumed me, this warm sunny weekend came to save the day. Friday, I enjoyed another wonderful girls night out with my sister and friend Juliana. We went out for sushi and to see HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU! A must see. You'll laugh and cry and cheer and act silly all at the same time.
Here's a picture of Emma after one of my crazy clients, namely Donna Stoc... got ahold of her. (Note to self...Never leave your child alone with this woman!!!)
Saturday was a hectic day, but fun at the same time. I threw my sister in law a baby shower, played outside with Emma and Aunt Bee, then went to watch Piedmont's basketball game with Emma and Dusty. She got to see her long lost boyfriend Hagen, whom we hadn't seen in months and was entertained by the enormous lions mascot dancing on the court. We ended the night with some delicioso Mexican food. Emma ate a cheese quesadilla and pitched a fit in front of everyone. (Is this really starting already????)
Aunt Gina really loved the gift Emma gave her!
Binkly licking Emma's hand.
She has a thing for Angels...
Sunday was another great day. After church we grabbed a nap. Well actually, this was quite hilarious. Emma insisted I rock her to sleep, but I woke her up while trying to put her down for the second time, so I jumped in the bed with her (Yes her crib!) Don't laugh, at least I can fit in there! I ended up falling asleep myself. I woke up with Dusty standing over me shaking his head in total amazement. Then later that day, we took Emma to the driving range to hit golf balls. (Brag Moment---I actually hit the ball this time.) I really loved this warm weekend and pray for many more to come.
Monday, February 2, 2009
2009 Update
Well it has obviously been a while since our last post and much has happened in the past month...
Emma had her 12 month check up (really at 14 months because I just kept putting it off) and she now weighs 23 pounds and is 31 1/2 inches long. The doctor says we are going to have a tall, skinny girl in our future. We're not too sure that she "feels" skinny when we're lugging her around now-a-days!!!! After receiving her bill of health, they proceeded to give her 5 shots that I wasn't expecting and everything went south from there. I have found that I will no longer do the "multiple vaccination" thing again. She (or maybe I) can't handle it.
Here is a picture of Emma getting her first mohawk from some of the kids in our youth group! She loved the attention.
Since then her vocabulary is constantly changing. A few of E.G.'s words include: Dada, a really whiny mama which really sounds like baba most of the time, Papa, bubbles (sounds like bubba) our name for Aunt Amanda, bee (sounds like bu)for Aunt Bethann, she calls her Mimi's "DooDoo"<--Really funny!, Pup, "TANTU" for thank you, "Duce" for juice and so on!
Emma blowing a kiss!
Her walking has turned into a goofy running of sorts which usually ends in a bang to the forhead or pounce on her hind end! It's cute to watch until the dreadful tears start pouring, but she is getting the hang of things.
Here we are snow tubing at Scaly Mountain.
Her favorite toys are now spoons and spatulas from my kitchen drawers. She gets a kick out of pulling everything out of them and banging around. Everything except that spoon drawer is child-proofed around here. The day she found my makeup drawer was the end to free reign! It makes having a small house wonderful so I can keep up with the little booger.
Emma having fun and eating snow!
We are truly enjoying watching her grow and seeing first hand the miracle of God's creation. I have randomly put pictures throughout the post of some of our crazy adventures with Emma. As you can see, she loves life and we really love her.