Monday, December 31, 2007

Emma's Photo Shoot

On her one week birthday, Dusty and I took Emma to have her first photo shoot. Looking at the pictures now, I can't believe how much she's grown. We took her right at feeding time, which I thought would be a disaster, but she she did pretty well in spite of her hunger. She didn't,however, enjoy being naked and cold and she sure let us know it by pottying all over the both of us. We love how her pictures turned out, thanks to our favorite photographer...Jim Haynes of JHPhotography. For all you new mommy's and daddy's, you can check him out at

Friday, December 28, 2007

How Time Flies!

Not only did Emma Grace turn 3 weeks old today, but her due date was today also. For her birthday, we took her to have her weighed and she has grown into a 7 pound 14 ounce chunk of love. (She eats like there's no tomorrow!) She's beginning to be more alert everyday and we are enjoying her awake times so much-she even lets me read her bible stories. Mommy-hood has been the best experience of my life and I think I can say the same for her daddy too! We can't wait for our friends and family to get to meet her.

Friday, December 21, 2007

She's Two Weeks Old

I can't believe two weeks have passed since Emma's arrival. She changes every day, making it harder to figure out who in the world she is going to look like. (Her Papa says that it shouldn't matter anyway 'cause she looks like Emma to him) and I think he's right. We have enjoyed getting to know her little quirks! Today she found her hand and stared at it in amazement for what seemed like forever. Our little Christmas present also loves to stare at the Christmas tree, which is going to make taking it down that much harder this year. Needless to say we are absolutely in LOVE with her and are blessed to have such a good baby. Happy TWO WEEK Birthday Emma!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Emma Is One Week Old

Emma Grace at One Week Old

As many of you are probably aware of, today, Emma Grace is one week old. She has been amazing thus far. Many people have ask us if we are staying up all night with her and we are pleased to respond with "no". Emma is eating great and sleeping very well and yes, we are getting some sleep right now. I know that is probably going to change so we are taking advantage of it while we can. She has been a complete bundle of joy. Kim and I look at each other often and say God must really love us because we have been blessed far more than words could ever say. She is definitely our little blessing.
To honor her one week birthday we took Emma Grace for her first professional photo shoot. She was a little fussy because it was close to her feeding time. However, the photographs look great and we hope to have some soon to show everyone.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Emma's First Doctors Visit

Today Emma, Kim, and myself made our way down to the pediatricians office for Emma's first doctors appointment. Emma was amazing. She sat there and let the doctor check her and didn't even offer to pitch a fit. The doc weighed her and she now weighs 5 lbs 10 ounces. She has gained 6 ounces since we left the hospital on Sunday afternoon. We were all so excited. The doc said she looked great and she would not see us again until Emma's one month checkup. She did tell us that she highly recommended all of us that is around Emma for a long period of time to go get a flu shot (which Kim and I have not done). It looks like we will be getting a shot within the next day or so.

I would also like to thank everyone who came to the hospital to see Emma, Kim, and myself. It really meant a lot to us and our family. Our entire experience and stay at the hospital was great. It meant a lot to Kim and I that Suzy hung around to deliver Emma after she was off her on call period. I am not sure, but I believe that she had worked over 30 hours without hardly any sleep once Emma was delivered. Words can not express how grateful we are to you Suzanne.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

EMMA IS HERE!!!!!!!!

Emma Grace
Emma & Mommy Right After Delivery

Emma & Dad

Emma Grace made her arrival on December 7th, 2007 at 4:07 PM. She was exactly three weeks early. She weighed 5 lbs 14 ounches and measured 19 inches long. Mom and Emma are doing great. We are still at the hospital and we will most likely be coming home on Sunday afternoon. I hope to post a few more images later. Thanks for all your prayers and support. We love you all and hope to see everyone soon. What a Christmas present!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Emma Is on Her Way!!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Not Much Happening

Hello everyone. As aunt Bee pointed out to us yesterday, we have not posted a new blog in a few days. Truthfully, there has not been a lot going on around here. We have been taking everyones advice and resting. Kim is still doing great. We currently have less than four weeks until Emma's due date. I thought that I would include some pictures of her room for all the people who are wanting to see what it looks like. Kim has been decorating and organizing so that everything is ready when Emma gets here. These are not the best pictures. They are just a few quick snap shots.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Thanks to our "road sign reading friends" we were blessed to find this lovely road sign in Blairsville with Emma Grace's name on it! We've discovered alot due to this little road sign...not only was it named after the little girl of a cousin I never knew I had, but the little girl was named after a great-great aunt that I never knew. It's funny how God puts little blessings in your way. We still can't wait to enjoy our favorite little blessing. Needless to say, it was a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

5 Weeks Left

Kim went to the doctor today for her checkup. Suzy said that everything looks great. Emma Grace now weighs about 5 pounds.