Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ode to Fathers

Emma wearing her "Happy Dada Day" onesie

Dusty on his first Father's Day!

Papa Mike on his first Papa's Day!

Papa Gailey loving on his little Emma Grace!

Today was Dusty's first Father's Day and I think I can speak for him in saying, "It was a good one!" Emma Grace and I woke him up singing Happy Father's Day to You....then we made Emma Grace a onesie that said "Happy Dada's Day", which she wore just about the entire day, later we made him breakfast and made sure he got plenty of daddy/daughter time all day! I am thankful that God has blessed me with a husband who is madly in love with his daughter. I watch him with her even when he doesn't see me and I know that God has made them just for each other (and me). Her eyes light up when he is around and I can see how hard it is going to be for him to ever tell her "no". Thank you to my daddy for being such a wonderful father and for showing me what to look for in a husband, and thank you to my father in law for instilling in Dusty~patience, love, and understanding of what it takes to be a great father. But especially, thank you God for creating such a wonderful gift for Dusty~his daughter and ultimately, thank you for being our Father~Happy Father's Day!

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