Monday, April 28, 2008

Memorial Golf Tournament

Today was the Memorial Golf Tournament in memory of my Aunt Carolyn that passed away in March. Her husband Bob and children Collin, Courtney, and Corey (son-in-law) put it on in order to raise money for Relay for Life. The one day event raised nearly $9000 and counting! The turnout was great, even Emma Grace and I went to cheer on our favorite golfers. The event was in Monroe, so after my LONG 2 hours at the Ninth Grade Academy, I picked her up at Memma's (that's Sherry-she changed her name!) and off we went on the 1 1/2 hour trip. Emma slept all morning at her Memma's, so I was afraid she would scream all of the way, but the sweety decided she would only scream for the last thirty minutes! We finally arrived around 11:30-Just in time to feed my starving daughter-then off to see her daddy we went. My husband Dusty, brother Trey, Coach Glenn, and Sister-in-law Bethann all played in the tournament and ended up -13 for the tournament. Not quite winners, but close! Emma strolled thru 4 of the 18 holes with her dad, he can't wait for his little Tiger to get out there and play with him. She also had a great time playing with her sweet cousin Ella. Bethann's friend Erin was a student of Courtney's and she decided she would ride along with the group. I wish Carolyn could have been there, she would be very proud of her family!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blog Complaining Works!

Well after my Friday night woes, my sweet husband woke up Saturday and read our new form of communication...THE BLOG! Isn't that terrible. Well, it worked 'cause he felt so bad that after my FULL day of hair, he took me out for an early birthday DATE! Emma stayed with her Mimi Gailey since Papa was in Canada, she was practically begging so that she wouldn't have to spend another evening alone. I can't say I blame her. And not that she ever has to ask! Anyway, we took advantage of the evening. Our date started at the Olive Garden, where I ate everything on the menu that I had been craving since my pregnancy began over a year ago. Things like salad, o man how good, that I had been craving due to the fact that it made me too sick during my pregnancy and Emma too gassy while nursing. I ate it all, including the Cheesecake, yum! Anyway, after dinner we took a stroll thru the mall and stayed 'til they closed! Dusty knew that the next two weeks are going to be crazy, so he went ahead and let me pick out my own birthday and mother's day gift! I am sure I will always get a birthday/mother's day gift for the rest of my life. I know what those poor Christmas babies mean! But that's ok, they are all the gift I really want! Well, the evening was great and the extra sleep on Sunday morning was even better since Mimi wanted to take her to church with her after their spend the night party!
Emma and I ended the weekend in Blairsville. We went to visit my grandparents who are completely in love with her while Dusty went to Youth at church! As you can see, it ended up being a great weekend and Dusty and I will work on the whole blog communication issue!! (This is probably news to him as he will read this before we talk about it!) Just kidding, I thought that would be a funny ending though!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Night

As I sit on my bed, laptop in hand at 11:30 PM, all alone, I am wondering WHY ON EARTH AM I NOT SLEEPING? Dusty is gone on ANOTHER golf trip. He took the girls to play at a nice course in Atlanta and to a nice dinner in Buckhead to finish off the season. AND WHAT AM I DOING? Baby duty-AGAIN. Not to complain, I love to be with Emma Grace more than ANYTHING in the whole world, but where date night went? Who knows? I got so bored today that I decided to take Emma to Gainesville. She screamed all the way there, she cried in the store, then she cried all the way home. These new teeth are going to make me crazy. Needless to say-I should have never made that MISTAKE! I sure am glad golf season is almost over. Maybe I'll get my husband back. I don't think I've really seen him since January, at least without a cell phone in his ear or a bag packed up ready to go again. I think my sister's dog-Phoebe, my cat-Harley and I will just stick this thing out together. By the way-the weather sure was beautiful this week!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Rylee Ann and Emma Grace enjoying each other at Church on Sunday!

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bunco Babes

Monday night was Ladies Night Out Bunco for Relay at the Community Room in Cleveland. Mossy Creek puts it on every year to benefit the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. We raised around $3000 playing Bunco with approximately 120 women. The night was full of excitement, and the ladies (and Marshall Anderson) had a great time. I allowed my Esthetician Students from the Technical College come and enjoy the night instead of spending the evening in the classroom. I don't know about them, but it was a great change for me. We were able to demonstrate for the ladies how sun damage has affected their skin and stressed the need for Sunscreen and necessary procedures needed to counteract skin cancers forming on their faces. Everyone was completely disgusted with what they were able to see through the Skin Scope we provided, but I have to admit that I enjoyed seeing everyone's skin through the scope. Afterall, my favorite thing in the world is extracting gross things from peoples' faces. It's immediate gratification. The evening ended way too soon, only leaving us with the desire to play again. Can't wait 'til next year. Now, here are some photos you'll love!
Bunco Babes doing what they do best!
The BUNCO LOSER! Can you tell?

So Much LOVE!

Since I just had to have a night to myself, Monday night I went for a fun night at Bunco to benefit Relay for Life. Emma Grace had a blast with her aunt Bee and her boyfriend John(Emma's that is, MOVE OVER BEE, he's mine!).

Emma Lovin' on John

Emma and her Aunt Bee (Sorry Bubbles, we'll put some pics of you on here next time!)
Emma asleep in the car on the way to hang with her Aunt Bee and Boyfriend John

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Random Pictures of the week!

Not too long ago a fellow blogger posted a blog encouraging friends to randomly pick old pictures and post them on their blog. I picked 3 of one of the cutest babies you'll ever see. Can anyone guess who this precious one is?


Friday, April 18, 2008

Hero's Softball Game

Emma and Aunt Bee Cheering on our HERO'S

Last night we went out to watch the FAMOUS HERO'S SOFTBALL TEAM play at the park and rec. The Hero's team consists of some of the best that White County has to offer. These special education students and graduates of the county were awesome. I've never seen such joy and excitement in all of my life. The infamous Brian (SHORTCUT) Head and Carter Cruce from Mossy Creek played an amazing game. Emma watched as her Buddy Carter hit the ball as hard as he could, he's known for hitting it over the fence. And then she watch as her adopted UNCLE BRIAN attempted to hit his ball directly at his father who poorly attempted to pitch! Sorry Doug! Then as Brian quickly ran to first, I hoped to see his famous skip second go straight to third move, but tonight he decided to take the long way around second, third, and then HOME! We took some great pictures that I know you local folks are going to love. It makes me proud to be a part of a county that supports these kids. If you haven't seen it, you have to go...Thursday nights at 7:30!
More pics to follow...

Emma's Boyfriend...

Tonight was Emma's first date with her boyfriend, Hagen. Dusty works with Hagen's dad at Piedmont, they coach golf together. The two fell in love the moment they locked eyes with one another! Hagen was born 3 weeks after Emma and has already caught up with her. We finally had them over after two years of saying "We need to have ya'll over". Dusty grilled burgers (or should I say burned burgers) and we enjoyed our dinner on the back deck. It was a great night and Emma and Hagen had a blast!

The pictures prove what Dusty is so afraid of...the two are in love! See for yourselves...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

4 months old

As of April 7th, she turned 4 months old! My feelings are quite mixed about the whole thing. I love her in this new stage of her life, but I miss my little 5 pounder! She is growing so fast.

Her doctor was very pleased with her on Tuesday! It had been two months since we had last seen her. The anticipation of her four month shots left me a mess leading up to Tuesday. I made Dusty go with me; I just couldn't stand to do it by myself. Once it was all over, she acted as if it was no big deal, making mom of course look like the BABY.

Emma weighs 14 1/2 pounds and is 24 1/2 inches long! A few pounds smaller than I thought from carrying her around so much. I guess maybe her mother needs to join the gym to build up her muscles. I can tell she's getting stronger and her little legs never stop moving. I think she'll run before she can crawl. I wait every day for her to start rolling over, but since she really can't stand being on her belly long (she likes to see what's going on) she doesn't seem to be very interested in rolling over on it!

I tell Dusty that she says mommy when he's not paying attention, but the truth is she just loves the sound of her own voice. Maybe she'll sing like her Aunt Bee??? We are blessed to have such an angel as a child. I'll never know what I did to deserve her, but I thank God for her every second of the day.

We'll put some new pics on soon!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Where did it go George??

"Where did it go George"?? - A saying that my dad said frequently as I was growing up, and probably still does as he is hunting that "OTHER" sock. Where does it go? Well that's a topic for another day...Anyway, Spring Break is almost gone and I can't figure out where it went. The whole concept of Spring Break is really a tease to make you really wish it was SUMMER BREAK! But I don't make the rules! The greatest thing is that the week is ending with a BANG! I finally decided to try and make Emma put herself down for a nap thing today. I put her in her bed when I wanted her to go to sleep (BABYWISE MOMS) and shut the door. The wide awake baby didn't seem to like it at first, but after a few moments of pitching a little ROGERS fit, she closed those beautful GAILEY eyes and went right to sleep! It's amazing! It actually works, I knew it did, Gina's kids did it and Marybeth's kids do it, so Emma Grace must be capable of such a thing! Well, it's true for those of you wondering, just put those babies down and let them fuss for once, it doesn't hurt them afterall!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, the long awaited photographs of Emma Grace's trip to Jekyll Island and some updated photos of our trip to Ella Carolyn's house are here!!! I hope you enjoy these cuties!

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!